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Concept Art and Visualisation Diagrams

LO4 - Create and evaluate pre-production documents for a new media product.

Concept Art
Concept art is used to convey an idea during the planning stage in a media production. Some examples of this are illustrations for computer games and 3D digital models of a new project. This allows for decisions to be made and to make changes before the media product is created.

Examples of Concept Art



Video game

Aspects Informed by Concept Art

  • costume design
  • set construction
  • storyline
  • lighting
  • audio
  • animation
  • advertising
  • prop design
  • casting
  • locations
  • purchasing materials
  • special effects
  • scheduling

Members Helped by Concept Art

  • set designer 
  • costume designer
  • animator
  • finance
  • gaffer + grip
  • editor
  • electricians 
  • cinematographer
  • script writer

Visualisation Diagrams
Visualisation diagrams are rough diagrams to plan for a product. They are used to check what is being produced will work and that the objectives of the product are met.

Examples of Websites
  • simple black and red classic logo and colour scheme in top left corner
  • collage of photos of in season shoes
  • bold clear text over collage of photos advertising shoes
  • black banner with offers such as free delivery 
  • top banner of different shoe types
  • bright colours to bring attention to photos

  • logo in top centre
  • bold white clear text over dark photos to stand out
  • chat helpline in corner for customer service
  • search bar with menu button for more options
  • small flag for selecting language
  • symbol of shopping back and signing in
  • photos with winter silver and red colour scheme showing this season's clothes
  • shop now button in centre to encourage people to buy

  • bold black text - clear logo in centre top 
  • search bar in corner with small flag of country
  • symbols for account, liked and shopping back
  • white banner with clear black text of products with red to highlight sale products
  • light pink banner matching colour scheme advertising deals
  • big centre photo offering deals 
  • bright neon colours bring attention
  • shop now button in centre
  • contrasting colours of images offering discounts to encourage people to buy

  • bold white font in centre contrasting against photos
  • clean half and half cut of photo background
  • bold 'woman' and 'man' text showing easy links to other pages
  • chat helpline for customer service
  • photos in a similar setting with autumn colours

  • overlapping photos advertising new products
  • clear black text contrasting showing new product
  • banner advertising sales
  • classic logo in top left corner
  • black banner of key places to visit
  • symbols of shopping cart and account
  • shop now button contrasting colour in centre
Children's Shoes Brief - Visualisation Diagram


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