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Exploring Project Management Techniques

LO3 - Be able to plan the pre-production of a media product.

Project Management Templates

SWOT Analysis of Project Management Tools
Strengths - visually represents tasks to be done, shows how long each task takes, shows dates to show aim for when the task will be completed, doesn't show the staff needed for the group.
Weaknesses - No milestones included
Opportunities - The dates are clear to see for any staff looking at the production scheudule quickly, space is available for extensions
Threats - does not show the staff needed or equipment needed for each task.

vs Excel

Strengths - clear layout
Weaknesses - no colour used for clear visual difference
Opportunities - colour can be added, staff needed can be added in, readable from outside perspective, easy to create.
Threats - May still be confusing to some people.

Types of Project Management Tools
Work plan - A work plan is an outline of a set of goals for a team or person to complete breaking down the scope of the project into small achievable goals.
Adv. - breaks down entire project into smaller goals to help set milestones
Dis. - doesn't clearly show resource allocation and different jobs needed

Online Calendar - An online calendar is a web application that allows more than one user to share details about weekly events.

Adv. - allows for all members of the team to contribute and update, share events easily, more economically
Dis. - need a device, could be hacked, require mobile data

Spreadsheets - A spreadsheet is a computer program with columns and rows to record data. An example of a spreadsheet program is excel.
Adv. - clear layout and labelled columns, commonly available.
Dis. - No colour or milestones showed, no details of what staff are needed, isn't made for project management, needs to be designed further, won't organise calendar

Gantt chart - A Gantt chart is a chart which uses horizontal lines to show the amount of work done in a certain amount of time.

Adv. - clear layout, shows start and end date, shows time task takes
Dis. - don't show budget, may be confusing to understand, too many tasks at once

Project management software - Kanbanize is a software that allows for different colour coded bars with lots of detail and analytics to be accessed. Project management softwares such as this are helpful as they include resource allocation, logistics and colour coding.
Adv. - shows lots of detail, clear timeline, easy to understand and access by all members of the team.
Dis. - expensive $99 per month

Other examples
Microsoft Project
Project management software to develop schedules, track projects, keep budgets.
Adv. - lots of different things available on one program
Dis. - Expensive, doesn't work on all devices


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